English Live Shows
Live Puppet Shows - The Superhero Puppet Show

Mr Morgan, Mr Cheng, Mr Yu and Ms Heung put on a superhero puppet show. Captain YKH, Ironman, Black Widow and Supergirl respectfully remind our students to put their masks on in public.



P.4-P.6 students made their own superhero puppets by following Ms Cheng and Mr Morgan's instructions.


The superheroes just landed in YKH.  


Live Puppet Shows - The Underwater Puppet Show

Mr Aaron, Ms Chan, Ms Li and Ms Cheung put on a fabulous underwater adventure puppet show. 


P.1-P.3 students followed Ms Chan’s instructions to make their own baby shark puppets.


Students sang along to the catchy Baby Shark song that reminds them to wash and dry their hands, and cough into their elbows. They are encouraged to stay healthy and improve their personal hygiene during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The underwater adventure characters were Pinky and Bluey. 


Ms Ng and our dedicated technicians worked together to create animated backgrounds for the underwater puppet show.  


Let's enjoy the underwater adventure puppet show promo again!


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